Where: Fellowship Room adjoined to Sherwood Uniting Church OR Chapel Gardens meeting room OR At a convenient location for members
Contact Us for more details. We would love to hear from you.
This small group try to meet regularly, currently selected Saturdays, with a view to learning how to patchwork and to create small lap quilts for donation to various venues.
We would always welcome new members into our group. We do encourage you to have the necessary equipment needed for the task being undertaken and if you are new to the craft we recommend we share our tools with you until such time you are confident about what you are buying which will also allow you to carry on working at home. Tools required would include, for example, your own sewing machine, cutting board, ruler and rotary cutter.
For projects – whether our own personal ones or ones we work on together – which require more time for completion, we have a working bee at designated times, often on Fridays, at someone’s home. This includes a fellowship lunch.