As a church we are committed to the spiritual growth of our children in safe, loving environment. All of our leaders are regularly trained in ‘Safe Church’ practices and First Aid delivery. Many of our leader are professional teachers who are well equipped to teach and lead our young people.
The Uniting Church is committed to a Safe Ministry with Children Policy that orients us towards being a community in which we recognise the sacredness of every person amongst us, and the responsibility of the community to ensure that sacredness is honoured and protected.
This policy has been developed to enable us to build practices in our lives that will enhance our capacity to show that sacredness in concrete ways. It will help ensure that in our ministry with children we are strongly aware of what we need to do to keep them safe, and set an environment in which they can experience the love of God toward them.
You can download a PDF of the Safe Ministry With Children Policy.
The Uniting Church baptises those who profess the Christian faith, and children who are presented for baptism and for whose instruction and nourishment in the faith the church takes responsibility. (Basis of Union, paragraph 7). As a congregation we have committed ourselves to maintain a life of worship and service so that the children among us may grow in the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the knowledge and love of God.
For more information about Christian Baptism download the Infant Preparation Course.
Cradle Roll
The Cradle Roll records the names of children baptised at Sherwood Uniting Church. On occasions, gatherings of parents and their children meet for social interaction.
Contact Us for more details.
Sunday School
During the service there is a children’s time where the children are invited to take part in a simple story delivered at a level suitable to the children present. The children are invited to stay in the Worship Service and do activities at the children’s table.