Our Sunday morning Worship service begins at 9am with people from all ages, cultures and backgrounds and draws the attention of the gathered community to recognise and affirm the presence of God. A typical worship services usually involves community singing and praying, reading from the Bible and seeking to understand its message, breaking bread together through the ritual of Holy Communion and offering our collective gifts and resources in order to help others in the community.
The worshipping life of a community is very important. Worship helps to shape who we are. How we worship, when we worship, who we worship with, these things matter because God created us to be in community with one another.
Regular worship is important for Christians because it helps to integrate us into God’s story. It reminds us that we are not the architects of our own destinies. Rather, as people of faith, we are told by the story of God. Belonging to a regular worshipping community in this way intentionally connects us with the mission of God in the world.
Our church service is on line and may be found at www.sherwooduc.face
Following our service we share morning tea together and everyone is invited to join us as we fellowship together. It is an opportunity for new people to meet others.
Children in Worship
Children are a vital part of our church and our worship. Children help us understand our faith better, and help model Christ for us in a way we might not have otherwise imagined. There is something innocent and pure about a child’s faith and their understanding of God that we adults can all learn from. Children are encouraged to be involved in the service in praying, singing, serving communion and collecting the offering.
During the message there is a program catering for the needs of the children under the leadership of a committed leadership team. A children’s activity table is available for children during worship.
We welcome young children in our services and are not concerned about any noises they make. We have a cry room at the rear of the church available for your use and a space in the adjacent room to watch and listen to the service on a large screen while your children play.
Intergenerational Worship
The first Sunday of the month focuses on Intergenerational worship where we try to intentionally include God’s people of all ages in a single service. It is not always easy for generations to worship together especially with different approaches to worship, music and style, but we are trying to live out our belief that we have much to learn about God from each other and much to gain from celebrating our differences.
The “All Together Service” is our intergenerational service where we try to intentionally include God’s people of all ages in a single service. This is usually held on the first Sunday of the month, however we like to share our special services like the beginning of Lent or Advent together, which do not always fall at the beginning of the month. During this service we share Communion through the method of Intinction.
Communion is served on the third Sunday of the month in the seats in small cups and pieces of bread.
Worship Groups
Connecting with others in prayer, bible study and fellowship is an important aspect of our life as Christians. During the next year we will be encouraging our congregation to spend time with each other, encouraging each other in the faith and equipping each other in service.
New to Church?
If you are looking for a church community to belong to then we welcome you to come along and experience our worship and fellowship.
If you are new to the Uniting Church then here’s what you can expect in our Worship Services on the Uniting Church Queensland website.